Over the last month, we have seen many new reports published and events taken place surrounding social mobility and how best to advance this movement throughout the UK. Check out below to see a brief recap in to just a few of the important pieces of information and...
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of live in the UK in many ways; and social mobility is no exception. The first few weeks of 2021 has seen many new reports and publications from several social mobility pioneers and Government...
Wendy Lyons, Director, Human Assets Ltd The UK Social Mobility Awards were created to recognise the organisations and individuals displaying outstanding commitment to the advancement of social mobility. These initiatives, however, do not exist in a vacuum. Over the...
The winners The UK’s only awards dedicated to recognising the achievements of individuals and companies in promoting social mobility celebrated their second year with a fantastic gala at the London Marriott Grosvenor Square. The winning entries of the second iteration...